Most women acknowledge that applying makeup is an art. Well applied makeup can make you look like you received more than your fair share in the looks department, while badly applied make up can make you look like you are spending the day posing as a geisha or have decided to dress in drag. However, makeup is not just to make you look glamorous. It can help brighten and freshen your face after a long tiring day/week. It can help cover up pigmentation or acne, leaving you with a flawless even-toned skin. With good makeup techniques, all the above are achievable.
The secret to well applied makeup is for it to enhance your looks and make you look naturally beautiful. The most basic principle of well applied makeup is to use colors and tones that complement your skin color. Also, a good quality range of cosmetics is the key. Now there are different kinds of cosmetics that one can use, however you can start with concealer, foundation, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick. Given below are some effective techniques for makeup. Read more about applying makeup like a professional.
How to Apply Makeup
Foundation: The color of the foundation should be such that it seems to disappear into your skin. Also, unless you have very oily skin, it is always advisable to first apply a light base of moisturizer. The best way to apply foundation is to use your fingertips or a triangle sponge wedge. Use smooth strokes to apply it evenly, especially on the tough to reach spots like corners between eye and nose. Many people forget to, but for an even tone, use foundation on your eyelids. Also, make sure you blend it into the edges of your face and down onto your neck, or there will be a stark contrast between your face and neck.
Concealer: Concealer is that magic cream that makes all scars and pigmentation disappear. If you have distinct dark circles, place a little concealer in the palm of your hand, and then apply it under your eyes. If you don't fancy using foundation, you can use concealer wherever required (but ensure to blend properly or you will look patchy) and top it off with loose powder. Another trick to hide marks on the skin is to apply a light layer of concealer and then your foundation. Over the foundation, dab on a little concealer only on blemishes. Set it by dabbing it lightly with a cotton swab that has a little loose powder on it. To fix a caked appearance, blot with a tissue to remove the excess.
Blush: The color your cheeks turn when you pinch them is the color of blush you should use. While applying blush, smile and then use circular motions to apply blush to the rounded parts of your cheeks. Then blend up and outward toward temples. To add contours to your face, use two different blush shades. Use bronzes and browns on your temples, the top of your forehead, or jaw line and rosier shades on the apples of your cheeks.
Lipstick: While color on your lips look great, more important than that is to have soft, well moisturized lips. So a preliminary to applying lipstick is rubbing on some balm. Most techniques for lipstick start with the application of lip liner. The best way to use it is to relax your lips and then follow their natural outline, not inside or outside. Most professionals use a lipstick brush to fill color within the outline, and then blend the color with the liner.
These makeup techniques will equip you to apply your everyday makeup with skill and flair. However, if you are dressing for a party or night on the town, you may want to learn some methods for eye makeup, etc, to create a more dramatic look.