People who are interested in gardening activities should know about propagating plants and shrubs. Many shrubs and plants are planted using the softwood cuttings. For a plant to propagate, stem sections of the plants are cut and planted in another location. Most of the time, these cuttings are taken from the young plants that have a fresh growth and thick foliage (very much unlike the hardwood cuttings, where matured sections are cut from the plant). A softwood cutting is a means of vegetative prorogation. The cuttings are mostly taken in summers and spring, which are the blooming seasons for many shrubs and trees.
Propagating Healthy Plants from Softwood Cuttings
This method of propagation is effective for many flowering plants. Most shrubs and bushes can be propagated by following the below steps.
Selecting the Cuttings
When cutting the cross section of the stem to be propagated, it is important to know the timing as to when the softwood cutting can be taken. A softwood is basically a region in a plant which is in a growing phase, neither very young and nor very woody. So the best time to take these cuttings is end of May or in June or July. To determine whether the stem is in the softwood stage or not, take a section of the stem and try bending it. If it snaps instantly, then the stem is ideal to be propagated. The best time in the day to take these cuttings is immediately after day break, when the plant is quite hydrated. Lateral shoots that grow on top of the plant make the best cuttings. Taking these cuttings in the wee hours of the morning is much recommended as these shoots, if exposed to sunlight, will dehydrate and wilt quickly. The cutting size should be approximately 3-5 inches and should have at least some foliage.
Rooting or Planting
The next step of the entire propagation procedure is rooting the cuttings. So first, remove the lower set of leaves to open out the wounds to let the rooting happen. Then, dip the stem into a solution of water and rooting hormone powder. The rooting hormone powder helps in a faster rooting process as the powder contains the same auxins used for initiating the root growth in plants. Now place the cutting in a shallow pot with a good drainage, containing a perlite mixture (60% perlite and 40% soilless mixture and coarse sand). A perlite mixture helps in better draining of soil, as too much of moisture can rot the rooting. Now, plant the cuttings in the soil and trim the remaining leaves to reduce any loss of transpiration. To enhance the root development, small wood stakes can be fixed on the corners of the pack. And then place the whole potted cutting inside a plastic bag, which will create the appropriate humid condition required for the rooting to take place. Place the plant in a shaded region of your garden, where it gets little sunlight and more shade.
Checking for Root Development
After 4-5 weeks, results are much noticeable. One can check the bottom of the pot and small white roots would have erupted through the drainage holes of the pot bottom. If the roots are not visible, try pulling the cutting and if it is exhibiting resistance, it means, the roots are still developing and your plant is just fine! With a healthy growing environment with requisite sunlight and moisture, the primary and secondary roots start emerging gradually and within 6 weeks, you will see a young shrub sprouting out of the pot. Once the rooting is complete, transfer the shrub to its new pot which contains 80% soil and 20% perlite. Water the soil with kelp based fertilizer and nutrient rich sea weed. Come monsoons, one can transfer these young shrubs to a sheltered nursery where they can continue growing and blossoming until late winter.
Usually, cuttings of deciduous plants root fast. And when taking these cuttings, it is important to keep them hydrated for a period of 2-6 weeks before the propagation procedure. Groiwing plants from cuttings is a very effective means of growing plants, shrubs and trees. Many deciduous garden shrubs and trees can be propagated by softwood cuttings taken in summer. Below listed are some of the deciduous green shrubs/trees which can liven up your flower gardens, are propagated by this procedure:
- Butterfly bush
- Crape myrtle
- Blue mist shrub
- Deciduous azaleas
- Flowering quince
- Japanese maples
- Magnolias
- Rugosa rose
- Smoke tree
- Honeysuckles
- Lilac
- Willows
- Wintercreeper
- Forsythias
- Virginia sweetspire
- Winter hazels
- Daphne
- Redtwig dogwood
- Beautyberry
- Witch hazels
- Chinese stranvaesia
- Slender deutzia
- Viburnums
- Beautybush