Vitamins to Improve Skin Elasticity

We almost end up lamenting remembering our youthful days when our skin was supple, bright, young and glowing. With passage of time, it has almost lost its sheen and has been reduced to a texture lacking tautness. The elasticity of skin has all vanished and you are trying hard to find out some good solutions for rejuvenating it once again. How is this possible? Are there any possible ways to restore elasticity of skin? Don't worry, there are ample ways to do this! Vitamins provide a wonderful remedy for improving elasticity and suppleness of skin.

Vitamins that enhance elasticity of skin come from natural sources or can even be included in the form of pills and capsules. However, you must analyze your food habits and lifestyle and improvise them if necessary.

Improving Skin Elasticity With Vitamins

Vitamins that improve texture of skin have a specific mode of working and bringing about the desired effects. They can either be supplemented in the diet or you can take them externally, if the condition is beyond repair with natural ingredients. The skin tone is improved since they provide complete internal nourishment by regenerating new cells and increasing production of oils. Here's the list of vitamins that produce wonder effects on skin.
  • Vitamin E is the primary vitamin that revitalizes skin, making it soft and supple. Foods rich in vitamin E are almonds, walnut, peanuts, olive, etc. They act as antioxidants and aid in eliminating free radicals from inside. You will find that creams and lotions are enriched with vitamin E since its useful for aging skin. You can also use vitamin E capsules for moisturizing your skin. The maximum dosage recommended is 400 IU per day.
  • Presence of vitamin E inside body increases production of vitamin A, which is also a skin toning agent. It has antioxidant properties that retards aging of skin, keeping it elastic for a longer period of time. However, you should be careful regarding the dosage because vitamin A toxicity is harmful for body. Foods rich in vitamin A are carrot, spinach, kale, turnip, parsley, etc. Not only does your skin regain its elasticity but it also becomes resistant to a large number of skin diseases.
  • One of the most effective vitamins to improve skin elasticity is vitamin K. It's used as an effective treatment for healing psuedoxanthoma elasticum, wherein the skin tends to age and slag prematurely. The three types of vitamins known as vitamin K1, K2 and K3 help in regulation of blood flow, that further provides complete internal skin nourishment Vitamin K, apart from boosting up elasticity of skin, also aids in healing wrinkles, imperfections and 'spider webs' on skin. Green vegetables, soy beans, lentils, spinach, cabbage, chicken, egg yolk, etc., contain vitamin K. You can even use medicated creams for improving the texture of your skin.
  • Vitamin C is abundantly available in natural sources. It's an excellent detoxifying agent, capable of flushing out toxins and free radicals from the body, thereby retaining elasticity of skin. It enhances production of collagen and formation of new tissues. All these processes are necessary for lasting tautness in skin. Vitamin C occurs largely in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapes, grapefruits, berries, etc. They are also rich in fiber, essential for the good health of your skin. Eat as much as possible to keep your skin elastic.
  • Vitamin B, better known as vitamin B complex, is a wonderful skin vitamin vital for retention of moisture in skin. Creams containing vitamin B complex and lipophilic molecules keep you looking youthful. Oral supplements of vitamin B are also administered for skin treatment. Niacinamide, a byproduct of vitamin B, also provides effective treatment for skin health complications. It's also used for curing other kinds of age related skin problems like hyper pigmentation, stretch marks, wrinkles, etc. Natural sources of vitamin B are whole grain products, eggs, milk, brown rice, legumes, cereals, potatoes, etc.
That was a complete guide to vitamins necessary for skin. If you are observing the elasticity wearing away from your skin, then you must nourish it with these vitamins. Get yourself examined by a reputed dermatologist to get the right treatment. Cosmetic surgeries for improving the elasticity of skin are not at all required until the damage caused to your skin is beyond repair. Last but not the least, drink plenty of water, eat more of fresh fruits and raw vegetables to stay young forever.

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