Love is a beautiful feeling. Each one of us has experienced it at some point of our life or the other. Some of us are lucky that for whom we had strong feelings, they loved us back. Some of us have been unlucky, left with one sided love and deep emotions unexpressed! So, if you are those lucky few, who has the person of their dreams by their side, who loves you back as much as you love them, never ever miss a chance to express your feelings to them!
Ways to Show Your Love to Someone
There are numerous ways to show your love. If you ask me, the best way is by doing something for the special person in your life, which will make their life easy and comfortable. So, if you are still in college, help your boyfriend/girlfriend with a college assignment. If you are living in, share household chores equally. Cook food for them once in a while. If they are not well, take care of them. Open doors, pull chairs, drop them back home safely if it's late in the night, basically, through your actions, show them that you are always there for them. Believe me, for any relationship to work, trust and dependability are of utmost importance. If the special someone in your life feels that they can trust you or depend on you to help them out in any situation, you have in a way already expressed your love and made a special place in their heart!
Although, there are no two ways about the fact that "actions speak louder than words", but when it comes to romantic love, we have this strange need to hear from our beloved how much they love us. Your partner too has the same needs, so leave no stone unturned by telling them that you love them. When it comes to men, appreciation is the best way for expressing love. If you are dating, thank your boyfriend for all the things he has done for you. If you are married, tell your man how much you appreciate the hard work he puts in at work for taking care of the family. Make your man feel important, tell him that you need him! It will make his day!
As for women, giving gifts, compliments and writing love letters are some of the romantic ways to show that you love them. Flowers, chocolates, candlelight dinners - these are some of the things that no woman can resist! So, express your love for your girl by doing such sweet gestures for her. In fact, send her a bouquet at her office out of the blue. Along with the bouquet, send a card which simply says "I LOVE YOU". The woman will be thrilled!
Spending some quality time together, by going on dates, even after you have got married or taking a holiday together, will build on your relationship. Taking hobby classes together is a good way to be near one another and do some creative things together, not to mention how many opportunities it will give you to exchange opinions and thoughts! Here, I would like to give one cute suggestion. Gather all your photographs of the happy times that you spend in each other's company i.e. anniversary photographs, birthday photographs or any holiday photographs and make a collage of the same, together! When you are choosing the photographs, you are bound to remember some sweet memories, which will enrich your relationship. After pasting the photographs, do not forget to write some words to express your love for one another on the collage. Write some heartfelt messages to express your love or some love quotes and read them together, to fall in love again!
And finally, get intimate, hug, kiss one another and make love passionately. Do not make sex just about sex! Fill it with your love and emotions. Hold and touch your partner with tenderness and in between lovemaking tell them that they are gorgeous, beautiful and you love them immensely!
As you can see, you do not really have to rely on gifts or flowers to express your love for the special someone in your life. But yes, surprises and gifts do add to the charm of romance and keep the relationship fresh and kicking! So, be there for your partner, do things for them, keep their family happy, cook for them, at the same time, do not forget to be playful and naughty, every now and then!