Thin or fine hair, as they are referred to most of the time, are such hair strands whose diameter is much less, in comparison to normal hair. Thin hair does not necessarily mean that the person has less hair on his head, as there are people who have thin hair, yet they are quite in abundance, i.e the number of hair on the head is similar to what a normal person would have. But, one thing is common to all kinds of thin hair, and that is that all fine hair have the tendency to fall flat on the head and they are much more susceptible to damage, when compared to normal hair.
People, especially women, rely on a number of techniques to add volume to their thin hair such as by using thickening serum, voluminous shampoos and conditioners and blow drying hair, not realizing that these tend to damage the hair and make them even more limp and thin. So what should such women with thin hair do to make their hair look bouncy and lively? A good solution is to opt for thin hairstyles that make the hair appear voluminous.
Thin Short Haircuts
A layered haircut gives a kind of illusion of thickness to the hair, thus making it one of the most apt short hairstyles for fine hair. Having a few layers at the top of the head and one layer at the bottom, is more than enough to jazz up your thin hair. If you have really short hair, then you can go for a layered bob look too.
Feather Cut
One of the cute hairstyles for thin short hair is a feather cut. In this haircut, the hair at the top of the head and even on the sides are cut in such a way that they give the illusion of feathers falling on the face.
Curls too, just like layers, give the illusion that the hair is thick. So curls are another well suited hairstyles for thin short hair. You can either go in for curls all over the head or you can opt for such hairstyles which support straight hair on top of the head and curls near the ends of the hair and behind the ears. You can also opt for a wavy look to liven up your thin hair.
Pixie Cut
A pixie cut, which is supported by many celebrities these days such as Rihanna, Kiera Knightly and Katie Holmes, makes thin hair look very good and stylish. Pixie hairstyles are those in which the hair is styled in such a way that it appears to be short and, close to the head. These haircuts are designed in such a way that one can have shorter or longer hair, anywhere on the head. Most of the time, in a pixie haircut, hair at the back and the sides are left longer while hair on the top of the head are cut short. Pixie hair can be styled with accessories such as barrettes and headbands, to get a unique and different look.
These are some hairstyles, which can surely make fine hair look lively. So without delaying any further, go for any one of these, and give yourself a new look.