Everyone has to grow old, but aging is optional. Yes, there is no way by which you can turn back the hands of the clock, but you can always take care of yourself to such an extent that no one can ever call you 'grandma'. It's the time for anti-aging, and I'm going to tell you a few tips on how to defy your age. So, read the below natural anti aging tips and find out a way to stay healthy and young forever.
Simple But Effective Tips
They say, your looks are a reflection of what you eat. If you're going to eat a cheesy burger day in and day out, you're going to end up looking like one. Why let the food you eat be an excuse to land you with sagging skin and wrinkles around your face? The importance of a healthy diet cannot be stressed on enough, especially in these times where life is in the fast lane. There are many anti aging foods for skin, that are replete with antioxidants and vitamins, and so, prevent the signs of aging. These include strawberries, beans, green leafy vegetables, fruits like papaya, herbal tea, and not to forget the all important but highly underestimated, water! Yes, one of the best anti aging tips for women is to ensure that you're always hydrated at all times. Yes, no matter how many anti aging creams you apply, unless you're eating right, nothing will work.
'Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise'. You may be thinking whoever said this.... was probably high. However, there is a painful truth hidden in this statement. Exercising is one of the best ways to keep the blood running, and a healthy and active circulatory system ensures that it shows on your skin and body too. The benefits of regular exercise are aplenty, and a healthy body and healthy mind, will most definitely defy age and is one of the best ways to turn around the clock.
Skin Care
Following a strict skin care routine will hold you in good stead always. One of the anti aging tips for skin is to make it a point to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin, come hail come storm. And if you're not regular with your use of sunscreen, then you can kiss all dreams of looking young and beautiful forever goodbye. And get a face clean up done regularly; use a face pack to keep that glow on the face. One of the important anti aging tips is to ensure that you always remove your make-up completely without leaving any traces of it overnight. These simple natural skin care tips will work tons better than any anti aging supplements.
Be Happy!
'Don't worry, be happy'. As unrealistic as this may be, make this the motto of your life. Living a stress free life is the key to longevity. And this shows on your face and body too. Did you know, that one of the causes of wrinkles is excessive frowning? So, if you want to do away with those signs of aging, do something that will make you happy. Pursue that hobby you've been putting off endlessly. Learn a new skill. All of this will work much better than any anti aging skin care product in the market.
Given below are a few more pointers that may help you fight the signs of aging:
- Go in for a hair, face and body massage regularly. This not only moisturizes the skin but also prevents the formation of wrinkles.
- Adequate sleep is something that is scarce in today's word. You need to ensure that you sleep for at least seven to eight hours a day, to keep those puffy eyes away! One of the simple yet effective techniques to prevent aging.
- You know that smoking kills. But there are many more side effects of smoking. Wrinkles around the mouth, are far more common in chain smokers, which is why they are also known as smoker's lines. So, if you want to get rid of those face lines, you need to stop smoking now.
- Some people think it is vain to indulge in beauty treatments like chemical peels and microcurrent facial sculpting. While each of these beauty treatments has its own set of drawbacks, the fact is that with today's stressful life, sometime, a little more than a balanced diet may be needed to truly have glowing skin. So, you can always ask your dermatologist for the best options available when wanting to opt for beauty treatments that are non-surgical like microcurrent therapy.
- Make it a point to have at least one healthy food item a day - either green tea, or an antioxidant rich supplement or a fruit juice. This way, you can at least make a start towards healthy living.