Botox has been widely acclaimed for its anti-aging results. Botox injections smooth the wrinkles on forehead, around eyes, mouth and lift the skin. The end result is a more youthful and fresh looking skin. The use of botox as anti-aging treatment is no more restricted to celebrities and wealthy people only. More and more commoners are getting this treatment done. Botox is touted as one of the safest method of defying age. Nonetheless, this treatment involves some risks and side effects. The incidence of botox side effects is very rare, with only 1 to 4% of people suffering from a condition named droopy eyelid.
What Causes Droopy Eyelid After Botox
Botox is derived from onabotulinumtoxin A or botulinum toxin. The toxin aims at paralyzing the muscle responsible for furrowing. This is done by binding with the nerve receptors and preventing the nerve impulse from reaching the concerned muscle. The muscle remains immobile for three to four months. Generally the botulinum toxin only affects the targeted muscle. However, in rare circumstances, the botox may leave the sight of injection and travel about 1 to 2.5 inches farther from the targeted muscle. In this case, it also affects the levator muscles that controls the opening and holding of the eyelid. If this muscle gets paralyzed due to botox, naturally the result is droopy eyelid. However, as mentioned above, droopy eyelid is a rare phenomenon and only about 4% botox patients will ever face it. This condition is usually found in patients who undergo too frequent botox treatments or if too much of toxin is injected at once. Incorrect injection practices or poor after care may also result in droopy eyelid or similar other side effects of botox.
How Long Does it Last
Droopy eyelid during botox are a temporary phenomenon. The time period for which it lasts varies for every individual. It may go away in a few days or stay for several weeks. Typically, the effect of botox injection begins to wear off within 3 to 4 months. Hence, you can expect your eyelids to correct themselves before the effect of botox begins to wear off. If you experience droopy eyelid 3 to 4 days after you receive your botox injection, then the eyelid should correct itself in a month's time. If you experience the droopy effect 6 or 7 days post injection then you can expect to correct it sooner than that.
Prevention and Treatment
Firstly, one should always get botox done from a reputed and expert doctor only. You can inquire around to find out the best clinic for getting botox. Although, you might have to spend a little extra, you might be relieved of any possible side effects. A certified dermatologist with good experience in administering botox can be your safe option. It is important to maintain an upright position while you receive the injection and also 3 to 4 hours after it is administered. Avoid massaging the area of injection during this time. In case, you experience a droopy eyelid after botox, you may try treating it with some eye drops. Eye drops such as Alphagan or lopidine can lift the eyelid up to 1mm to 3 mm. These eye drops work by stimulating the muscle other than the levator muscles of the eyelid.
Botox is indeed an effective and safe method of fighting wrinkles. A few side effects such as the one mentioned above can be taken care of with proper preventive measures and after care.