Perming is a chemical process which gives permanent waves to your hair. This process is a very harsh chemical process and can damage your hair, if not done in a proper way. When you decide to perm your hair, the very first thing you should do is to analyze the texture of your hair. If your hair is very fine or you have very resistant hair, it cannot take the perming process. Let us discuss the process of perming long hair.
How to Perm Long Hair
It is advisable to visit a good salon for a perming treatment. This is because, perming hair at home is a bit risky as any wrong step can cost you irreparable damage. Therefore, it is at your own risk to perm hair at home. Here is the procedure for perming long hair.
- Once you have decided that your hair texture will take up the perming process, you can start off with it. There are perming kits available in the market. Before going for any of these kits, make sure what type of perms you want. There are tightly packed curls or loose waves.
- Now that you have decided the style, buy the 'at home perming kit'. If you are not very sure of doing it on your own, you can go to a licensed hair stylist.
- If you have decided to do it at home, read the instructions carefully. You can also take the help of a friend for it.
- Always remember to wear gloves and carefully handle the chemicals in the kit. Washing your hair before you begin, is a must.
- After washing hair, do not comb it, just wrap it with the perming rods. Now, the way in which you want your hair to get curly, you have to wrap them in the same way. There are many shapes in which these rods are available. You can use them according to the curls desired.
- Then, apply the perming solution to every strand of your hair. Also, apply it to your scalp and massage well.
- You will get a neutralizer in the kit. Apply this neutralizer to your hair until it dries off on the hair. This completes the process. Remember, not to style your hair for at least 24 hours.
- Harsh shampoos must be avoided
- Colored hair must not undergo perming
- Always use a diffuser for blow drying your hair
- Use the perm rejuvinators for adding moisture to the hair