Trimming eyebrows, especially for people who have bulky eyebrows, is as important as eyebrow shaping. As men age, their eyebrows can become very long, giving them an unkempt look. So trimming is very important for them to get a well turned out and groomed look. Another benefit of well-trimmed eyebrows in men is that it gives their face a gentle, youthful appearance. For women too, besides tweezing or waxing, trimming the eyebrows is required, to get the perfect well-defined eyebrows. Below is the step wise procedure to trim eyebrows at home.
Eyebrow Trimming for Women and Men
You need only two things, i.e. flat trimming scissors as well as a fine-toothed comb. Do not ever use a curved trimmer, especially if you are a first timer, as it can be pretty hard to use. Let's start with the procedure.
Step 1
Take a fine-toothed comb and brush the hair of your eyebrows in upward direction. The hair that you see are above your natural eyebrow shape, are the ones that need to be trimmed.
Step 2
Take a pair of small scissors, preferably clippers, and cut the unwanted, extra hair. In most cases, this is all you need. However, if you have some really thick and bushy eyebrows, then move on to the next step.
Step 3
Take the comb and this time keep it in a position as if you are going to brush the hair downwards. Next, brush the hair downwards by placing the comb really close to the skin. This will help in trimming eyebrows with clippers which are of really short length. If you prefer your eyebrows to be somewhat more in length, keep the comb slightly far from the skin. Now take the clippers and cut extra hair.
Step 4
For most women, this is more than enough to get rid of the superfluous hair on the eyebrows. However, men may still need to make some more effort. Starting from the inner end of the eyebrows, take a small section of the eyebrow hair in comb and remove the ones which lie above the comb.
Step 5
You will have to continue cutting the hair in small sections till you reach the outer end of the eyebrows. Once you are done, take a look at your eyebrows. Your eyebrows should give an even look. If you feel that a certain part of them is still more hairy or bulky, remove hair from there using the same method.
Step 6
Lastly, see if there are any stray hair left either above or below the eyebrows. If yes, get rid of them using clippers. Now, move on to the other eyebrow and repeat steps 1 to 6 mentioned here.
Although many people use fingers instead of a comb while trimming eyebrows, yet, I do not recommend it as using a comb prevents over cutting of the eyebrow hair. Hence, even if you are trimming your eyebrows for the first time, there won't be any bald patches in your eyebrows for sure!