There is nothing in the world that can give you the pleasure that a relationship can give. Like ups and downs in life, our relationships also go through a good and a bad phase. When the persons involved in a relationship start feeling that the relationship fails to meet their expectations, they decide to break up. It is really a painful phase of one's life. However, still you should not lose hope and find out some solution for the problem. At such times, most of us are so overwhelmed with emotions that we stop thinking from the head and our heart starts controlling the situation. As a result, some serious blunders are often committed. Firstly, you should learn the skills of how to stop a break up, then implement them, and you will find the end results very fulfilling.
How to Prevent a Break Up from Happening?
There is no magic as such that can stop your break up from happening. Moreover, there is no quick fix solution. The most important thing that you need to do is put a good amount of time and effort with a positive mind in order to save a relationship.
One of the main reason of a break up is lack of communication. The biggest mistake that couples commit when the relationship is going through a bad patch is that they stop speaking to each other. Such a step aggravates the problem further. Communication is the key to any healthy relationship. Communication is not just speaking up alone. It also means letting the other person speak up too. Then only you will get to know what the other person is feeling about the relationship. You will be able to understand better where your relationship stands. This way, the tension that exists between the both of you can be reduced to a great extent.
Act Patiently
When your relationship is going through a tough time, you require a great amount of patience to handle the situation efficiently. If your partner is expressing his or her displeasure regarding any aspect of the relationship, hear it out patiently. Even if his or her words are upsetting to you, do not retaliate and express your grievance at the same time. It will give rise to some ugly arguments and your troubles will only increase. Wait for a day or two and let the whole thing sink within you. Then only you will be able to understand the pain and problem of the other person in a better manner. In case of arguments, do not raise your voice or try to dominate your partner. If you keep your cool, the possibility of a break up during a heated arguments decreases.
Work On the Relationship
Now that you have understood the problem and you are convinced that you want to stay in the relationship, figure out what should be done to make the relationship work. You have to start the relationship afresh. If required, both of you can take the help of professionals. Relationship advice from professionals often helps to make the problem easier for both of you. Learn the trick of give and take. Only receiving is a selfish act and only giving is frustrating at times. Spend a lot of quality time with each other. You have to start doing all those things that used to make you happy. Take some extra effort do those things that your partner likes. If you both share a common hobby, join a hobby class where you can have some fun together. Go for a movie date followed by dinner more frequently.
You will learn how to stop a break up if you just realize the importance of the relationship that you have. The best part of any relationship is that it is changing and growing everyday. Relationship problems are no big deal, but surviving a potential break up means adding more strength to the bond. If some new obstacles come in the way of your relationship in future, you will be in a better position to handle it.