The problem with guys is that they give up easily, when it comes to fixing their relationship. A turbulent path in the relationship is actually the real test of your true love. Every relationship has its quirks and perks. It is all up to you walk the right path, work all the quirks the right way, and stand strong to keep the relationship going tough and long. With time, every relation undergoes change. It would be because of work, family or social life, but during this phase, you normally tend to feel like your partner has lost interest in you or doesn't love you anymore, and so on. Distance increases, there are fights, arguments and frustration. Finally, you reach a stage where it just seems impossible for you to convince your girlfriend that you really want this to work. But you want it to work, she means a lot to you. So, what now? How to fix it all? Well, read the next section to learn, how to fix your relationship.
How to Fix Your Relationship With Your Girlfriend
Analyze: The first "A" is to analyze your behavior. What has actually brought you to a situation that really needs help to fix your relationship. Guys are sweet and polite initially, when the relationship is just new and blooming. But eventually they lose interest or just start taking things for granted, which annoys the girl ultimately. Ask yourself questions like, what must have hurt her? Did you do anything that has offended her? Talk to your best friend about the whole episode. Probably he or she might just help you understand what is going wrong in your relationship, and help you analyze her behavior.
Apologize: Once you know where the problem lies, APOLOGIZE. It is never too late to apologize. An apology can melt her heart and get your relationship back on track. Don't just apologize for the sake of doing it. Do it because you really mean it, and make her realize how important she is to you. Be convinced yourself that you really want her back in life and put in words for her. Never threaten the girl or beg her to come back to you. A genuine verbal apology should serve the purpose; a sorry card and her favorite flowers along with it would just be perfect.
Act: After the apology, when things are just probably falling into place, your relationship is getting back on track, don't get casual and repeat your mistakes. May be the next time she would not want to see you then. When things are just getting better, it is time you should be extra careful. Girls want their guys to give them time and attention, not all the time of the day, but at least some part of the day. Strive to be a little mushy, polite, nice and sweet to her, like you were in the beginning of the relationship, and this time on, continue to do the same, for you don't want yourself to be in the same situation again, right?
Ways to Save Your Relationship With Your Girlfriend
Get to know her better. If you have been in a relationship for quite some time, by now you should know what works to keep the relation going. Give her the required space, and understand what makes her happy and what does not. The beauty of love is doing those little things for each other, because your partner loves it and you just want to see that smile on her face.
Something that guys always fail to do is listen and understand. Girls always want their guys to listen to them and lend them a shoulder, cuddle them and say, "So what, I am always there for you". It would be the stupidest thing ever, but listen to her. Sometimes, girls also say a lot without saying much. May be she will give you signs and signals, but you conveniently ignore. Understand her, be sensitive to her feelings, and act accordingly.
It goes without saying that girls love it when they are appreciated and complimented. But guys tend to forget it or tend to take it for granted. Delight her, surprise her, get that fun and naughty element in your relationship back. She would never want to leave you then. Shower her now and then with cute gestures and sweet compliments. This will only make her want to stay in the relationship even more.
Romance is the main ingredient that keeps the fire burning in any relationship. Nothing is implied, express your love to her, a little intimacy forms a strong foundation of a long trusted relationship.
Along with a little intimacy, a girl always craves for emotional support or trust. You have to reach that comfort level where the girl can trust you blindly and confide in you. She should be able to share her joys and sorrows, her comforts and discomforts, with you always. You have to make yourself worthy of it, and convince her that no matter what, you are always going to be there for her. She would love to be in the relation and also love you unconditionally for what you are.
Always remember, it takes two to make or break a relationship. It can never be a one-sided affair. If you are being sweet and doing it all for the love of your life, she too will surely value it and will return with abundant love for you!