Bleaching is nothing but lightening the color of your jeans. If you want, you can completely change the color of the jeans and make it white too. I know you must be tempted to know the procedure of bleaching jeans. If yes, then keep reading as the below paragraphs cite the process.
How to Bleach Jeans at Home
- The materials you will require for bleaching the jeans are bleach, bucket, rubber gloves, drying rack, sponge and a newspaper or a towel.
- Start with filling the bucket. 3/4th of the bucket should be filled with warm water. To this warm water, add 2 cups of bleach. The amount of bleach varies according to how white you want the jeans to be.
- Now, put the jeans in the bucket. Before you put it, make sure to wear gloves. It will be better if you make use of the larger bucket. Usage of big buckets will show better results. Also, make sure that the jeans has been submerged completely in the bleach solution.
- Allow the jeans to be in the bleach solution for 5 minutes. Times varies according to the amount of whiteness you want. Keep moving the jeans while it is in the bleach solution. This will help in bleaching the jeans evenly. Keep repositioning it after a few minutes.
- In order to apply the bleach solution directly to the pockets and hem lines, you can make use of a sponge. It is difficult for the solution to reach these places hence, the solution needs to be dabbed with a sponge.
- Now, after the bleach solution has been applied to all the parts of the jeans, remove it from the bucket and then hang it so that it dries. If you are placing this jeans on the floor, then do not forget to place a newspaper below the jeans else, the bleach solution can damage the floor. If required, you can repeat the process. With this process, you can bleach the jeans evenly.
In order to bleach jeans white, you can follow the same procedure mentioned above. But, there are slight differences in the procedure which you will have to adopt. You will have to put more amount of bleach solution to get white shade. Also, you will have to allow the jeans to soak in the bleach and water mixture for more time. After these two things, your jeans will become white.
Bleaching Jeans in Washing Machine
In a washing machine, add a cup of bleaching powder. Next, add cold water to it. Then put in it, the pair of jeans which you want to bleach. If you want to bleach more than one jeans, you can put all of them together. Make sure that you do not put the other garments in the washing machine else, you will end up bleaching them as well. Now, expose this jeans to sun and allow it to dry. Exposing the jeans to sunlight will help in the process of bleaching.
After knowing how to bleach jeans, I am sure most of you will try doing it. So, then go ahead, bleach your jeans and give it a completely new look. All the best!