Gardening is one of the most enjoyable hobbies, that can bring you immense satisfaction. If you are a person, who loves flowers, then, you can go for a flower garden add some color to your surroundings. Though, some practical knowledge about gardening may prove beneficial, even beginners can successfully grow a flower garden, without much difficulty. This can be achieved by choosing some easy to grow flowers for your garden. Even kids would love to undertake such tasks, that can help them in learning about plant life.
Easy to Grow Flowering Plants
It is a common fact that the requirements of each plant species may vary and a layman may not have any deep knowledge about that. So, if you plan to grow a flower garden, you can either conduct a study about your favorite plants and their requirements or start with some easy growing flowers. Most of the easy growing flowering plants do not have special requirements and so, are easy to care for. Occasional watering and fertilizing will be enough for them.
Self Seeder Annuals
Annuals and perennials are preferred as easy to grow flowers. While annuals are plants that live for a single year or season, perennials last for two or more years. Perennial plants grow and bloom during spring and summer and lay dormant during autumn and winter, then return in the next spring from their root-stock. As annuals die every year, you have to purchase new plants in the next year. If you want to avoid that, go for annuals that are self-seeders. This means that, if you let self seeder annual plants to grow seeds, the seeds will be released to the soil and will grow to new plants, the next growing season. In case of self seeders, you should not deadhead the plants in the fall. Instead of that, allow them to grow the seeds, that will get dispersed in the soil, so that you will get new plants next year. The following are some of the common and popular, easy to grow flowers that can be grown from seeds.
- Cornflower or Bachelor's button
- Forget-me-nots
- Phlox
- Cosmos
- Sunflowers
- Marigold
- Gloriosa Daisy
- Zinnia
- Floxglove
- Sweet William
- Portulacca
- Dame's Rocket
Easy to Grow Perennials
Unlike annuals that grow, bloom and die in one season or year, most of the perennial flowers bloom every season and these plants live for two years or more. There are so many no-fuss perennials, that can be grown easily. Choose perennials with different flowering seasons, so that your garden has flowers all through the year. The following are some of the easy to grow flowers, that are perennials.
- Peonies
- Coral bells
- Globe thistle
- Sedum
- Cranesbill (geranium)
- Cerastium
- Bellflower (campanula)
- Anemone
- Lady's mantle (alchemilla)
- Yarrow (achillea)
- Solomon's seal (Polygonatum)
If you are looking for easy to grow indoor flowers, then, the best options will be African violets, geraniums, begonia, Kalanchoe, hibiscus and bromeliad. So, get into action and bring home, the colors, you have always craved for.