When you are deciding to give your home a new look, the best thing you can do is give a fresh new color to wear. Many times, in interior painting, people can have the hardest time trying to come to one decision about which would be this new color for the house. But you can simply refer to the current interior paint trends available, which would surely help you decide this new look, for your home. Today, people love to have houses which have a certain style and class to it, and the color of the house plays a major role in this. Having homes with bright colors like red, orange, green and violet is a wonderful thing, as you always feel pleasant and fresh with these colors around. There are a few interior paint trends for 2010 which are followed by many people, as these are selected by keeping the designs of today, in mind. So, take a look at some such interior paint schemes and combinations mentioned below, for your choices.
Interior Paint Color Ideas
One of the most important things in these color trends is that, they depend on the type or style of your home, for example, an old cozy home, a large Victorian mansion or a modern apartment (even a penthouse). There are specific interior paint color ideas which are chosen to go with these homes, as you can't have bright red walls in a Victorian home, and gray walls don't look that attractive in penthouses. Even though there are a few homes which have chosen some contradictory colors for these styles, the look and feel changes with the loss of their originality. The color trend of the new age, is very conscious about minute details like the pillows and the vases in the house complementing the wall colors. Therefore, when you have to be so specific about these home interior paint colors, why not make the best of it, and give your home a touch of your personal class!
Color Schemes
There are many color schemes which can be useful while deciding these color trends. There are about four color schemes which are available, in a form known as "the color wheel". This color wheel displays all the main colors without their shades in a format of cooler and the warmer shades. Depending on these main colors the four color schemes, monochromatic, adjacent, complementary and triadic are chalked out.
When professionals advise you for a wall color in the particular rooms, they give you these popular interior paint colors which are derived from the above mentioned wheel. Your home colors are also dependent on the rooms which you will be painting, as even though you have a color scheme of one particular color, you can't paint the entire house in it. There have to be certain variations, tones and shades which will complement the main color but should be a collection or combination of more than two.
Interior Paint Color Combinations
You can come up with a number of color combinations when you have so many colors to choose from the color wheel. The main colors on this color wheel comprise violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. You can have as many interior paint colors and combinations with these main colors as you want and come up with unique shades and tones. When you decide a color scheme for your home, there are complementary colors which are to be used in the kitchen, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms and sometimes in hallways and corridors. Your drapes, bedding, furniture, accessories, doors and windows can also be matched with these interior paint color trends.
With these great choices for interior paint color trends which are mentioned above for your convenience, you can surely pick your favorites. So, have fun giving your home the best new look, till you come up with another one!