Biblical Tattoos

Although known since ancient times, tattoo making regained its popularity in the 20th century, and today, people from different strata of the society, right from celebrities to common youth, are found sporting tattoos on their body. Also, as there are endless options of designs and symbols to choose from, one can simply research a bit and use his/her own creativity to have the perfect design. Tattoo lovers sport designs that have strong symbolic meaning or those which portray their beliefs and thoughts. Here we will take a look at the different meanings and designs associated with tattoos related to the Bible.


The Biblical or the Bible tattoos are verses from the Bible inscribed on the body. Most of the time, these tattoos are sported by religious people with strong spiritual convictions. The verses along with religious symbols like the cross, etc. convey a person's faith in religion and also the Almighty. However, this is not the only case, there are many others who inscribe Bible verses on their body because of the inspirational meaning these verses convey. These meaningful quotes and verses inspire the wearer and also the viewer. Those believers in the virtues of love, peace and brotherhood also go for these tattoos.


You need to go through the entire Bible to find the perfect verse. Nearly all the verses convey a deeper meaning and hence, it may be difficult to find the perfect one for yourself. However, research a bit and you will definitely come across the perfect verse for your Biblical tattoo. Many verses are very long, and hence, are difficult to use as tattoo designs. In that case, you can either paraphrase the verses or simply inscribe only that part which is more meaningful or important to you. If not, you can still inscribe full verses on your body. Secondly, you can have these verses made in English, Latin or in some other language. However, one is expected to be able to explain the meaning of the verses when asked for!

On the other hand, other religious symbols like the cross, palm frond, etc., can be placed around the verse. Sometimes, a border, frame or other ornate designs can also be made surrounding the verse to make it appear more graceful and unique. Also, if the verse symbolizes loving others and spreading love in all human beings, you can emboss the verse over a heart tattoo. The placement of this tattoo design completely depends on the size of the verse. If you have a complete verse inscribed, you can place it one the back or the shoulder where you can get larger space. On the other hand, smaller verses can be placed on the wrist (like a bracelet), ankle (like an anklet), on upper arms, stomach, chest, etc.

Biblical tattoos are one of the most favored designs as they convey beautiful meanings and are also non-controversial. You can definitely have a permanent tattoo made with this design. As a concluding note, remember to have a tattoo made only from a certified professional artist. Good luck!

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