Hair dyes are amongst the common hair products used to wear trendy looks. While many use these to get a uniformity in hair color that has discolored, others use it to spice up beauty of their locks. Though many hair coloring products claim to be 'safe', they can leave your hair damaged if used very often. Individuals also get their tresses damaged due to over use of such chemical dyes. These dyes contain chemicals such as ammonia and peroxide which eventually cause damage to your locks making them brittle and dry. So why not use organic hair dye? Well, an organic dye is known to be a 'safer' and smart choice over the chemical ones. But what are these and how are they better than the regular dyes? Find answers to these question in the following paragraph.
What is Organic Dye
This dye is known to be made of all natural ingredients. It is not only used by those looking for a 'safe dye', but those searching for eco-friendly products love using it. Definitely they are safer than the regular chemical dyes. The dye contains ingredients like vitamin E, vitamin C, rosemary, nettles, natural oxidants, lecithin, grapefruit seed extract, etc. Henna is also one of the many natural products. While it was previously extracted from the leaves and used in pure form, today there are varieties in henna hair colors sold by many brands. These dyes also contain flowers of chamomile, calendula, turmeric, saffron, and other ingredients like dried sage, hulls, cloves, cinnamon and black tea to color your hair. The ingredients are used in various proportions to make different shades of dyes.
Desired Results?
Those of you who have not yet used dyes might be interested to know about its results. Well, if you go for a chemical dye it offers you permanent or semi-permanent results which can last at least for 5-6 months. But an organic color can't offer you long-lasting results. Its effect can last only up to a few washes.
Those organic products which offer long-lasting results might contain some amount of toxic chemicals like ammonia and peroxide. Many researchers also claim that there is no such hair dye labeled 'organic' which does not contain chemicals! Let me tell you that all those hair colors which have the 'ammonia-free' tag are not organic. Today there are also many chemical dyes which offer hair coloring with mild chemicals and have moisturizing as well as conditioning abilities.
The chemical dyes are much harmful for your hair. These can make your hair brittle and leave them dry. Many a time, as the dye fades, your hair is badly discolored. It looks dull and lifeless. With natural dye, you can enjoy healthy locks. This does not damage hair as much as the chemical dyes do. Also, these do not have side effects on your eyes as many chemical dyes containing ammonia are known to have. Most of the ingredients in dyes have conditioning properties which help soften your locks and make them more manageable.
Choosing the Best
This is something that everyone would like to know about, right? Today, there are many organic hair care products in the market and dyes are amongst them. Many manufacturers are taking the 'green' route and launching organic products. You can check out brands like Surya Henna, Herbatint, Rainbow Henna, Daniel Field, Color Me Naturally by Aubrey, Palette by Nature, Light Mountain, Naturcolor and Logona Natural Hair Dyes for the best organic dyes.
Let me tell you that buying an organic hair product does not mean that it will suit your hair. Testing the same is essential as many might also have allergic reactions on scalp due to these natural products as well. Well, using this dye is surely a smart way to add color to your tresses. Then research well and find the best of these for making your lovely locks even more beautiful.